2025 Spring Disney Trip
April 21-26
Chorale and HS Marching Band
The High School Chorale and Marching Band Students have the oppurtunity to travel to Florida this spring to visit Disney World and also participate in Disney's Imagination Campus! While in Disney there will be performances and also workshops with professional musicians behind the Disney Magic.
Registration for this trip began last June but it is not too late to sign up - you will just have an accelerated payment schedule. The travel company being used for this trip (Bob Rogers Travel) specializes in school trips and has all of the payment details and processes worked out on its own website. They handle the whole trip A-Z so we can enjoy our time there. Payments are broken down evenly throughout the year and WILL BE DISCOUNTED by the last payment to reflect the fundraising efforts of Otsego Music Boosters throughout the year. The more we raise, the cheaper the trips become for our students!
(You can find a link to the original power point information in the 'files' section of the booster hub website)